Modifier in C
The c compiler provides four reserve word named signed,unsigned,short and long are known as modifier.
A modifier is mainly used for modify type and size of variable.
ð Modifier with char datatype
A char datatype mainly allowed only two modifier named signed and unsigned.
(a) signed with char
When we define a variable without any modifier then variable bydefault preceded by signed modifie.
When a variable preceded by signed modifier then it ensures that a left most bit reserved for sign(+ve/-ve)
Example:-signed char ch;
signed char ch;
range = -128 to 127
(a) unsigned with char
When a variable preceded by unsigned modifier manually then it ensure that left most bit free for sign(-ve/+ve).
When a variable preceded by unsigned then it can store only positive value.
Example:- unsigned char ch;
range= 0 to 255
NOTE:- If we try to use short or long modifier with variable then it doesn’t change type or size of variable.
ð Modifier with int datatype
A datatype int allow all modifier i.e signed , unsigned, short and long.
(a) signed with int
Example:- signed int a;
signed int a;
signed a;
range = -32768 to 32767
(b) unsigned with int
Example:- unsigned int a;
unsigned a;
range= 0 to 65535
(c) short with int
When a variable preceded by short modifier then it ensure thatit can be used for bit operation. A short modifier doesnot change capacity of variable.
Example:- short int a;
short signed int a;
range = -32768 to 32767
(d) long with int (%ld)
When a int type variable preceded by long modifier then it specify / allocates 4 bytes memory space.
Example:- long int a;
range = -2147483648 to 2147483647
ð Modifier with float
A float datatype only allowed two modifier named short and long . It doesn’t allow signed or unsigned ,if we try to use signed or unsigned modifier with float then it leads to compile time error.
(a) short with float
Example:- short float n;
short signed float n;
(b) long with float
When float type variable preceded by long modifier then it specifies or allocates 8 byte memory space.
Example:- long float a;
ð Modifier with double
A double datatype also only allowed two modifier named short and long. It doesn’t allow signed or unsigned.
(a) short with double
Example:- short double n;
short signed double n;
(b) long with double
When double type variable preceded by long modifier then it allocates 10 bytes memory space.
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